Some animals live in families. Some live in great big groups. And others live mostly by themselves. Animals have to find the right way of living together so they can stay safe, take care of their babies, and find food.
A giant panda mainly eats bamboo, and it takes lots of bamboo to fill up a panda! To make sure there's enough bamboo for everyone, each panda has a territory where it lives alone, except during mating time or when a mother is rearing her cub.
Some Animals Live Alone
Tigers are stealthy hunters who sneak up on prey such as deer or wild pigs-then pounce! But hunting is hard. It can take 10 tries before a tiger nabs a meal. Living alone means there's enough prey to eat and makes quiet hunting easier.Lions are hunters, too. But they live in groups called prides. On the African plains, finding enough wildebeest, zebra, and antelope to eat is no problem. But catching them is. Lions have better luck when they hunt together, surrounding a herd and then flushing out their prey.
Others Like a Little Company
Eagles live and hunt together in lifelong pairs. A male and female both help to build a nest of sticks and twigs, lined with soft grasses. When the eggs hatch, one parent stays home to protect the young eaglets while the other searches for mice or fish to eat.
This herd of muskoxen is huddled together for protection. If a wolf comes too close, cousins, aunts, and uncles form a tight circle, with their sharp horns facing outward and their young safe inside.
What's bringing these ladybugs together? It's time to hibernate for the winter. By bunching together, the ladybugs keep each other warm.
And Some Really Love a Crowd!
Sea lions gather when it's time to mate. They meet at the same beach year after year.
And sometimes people, too, like to come together to have a good time with lots of friends!
Carus Publishing Company Feb 2004 - ProQuest Information and Learning Company
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