Vasantha Navaratri
27 March to 3 April 2009
Spring Worship on Nine nights of Durga, the Divine Mother Goddess
Ram Navami
3 April 2009
Birthday of Shree Rama
From New Moon in Pisces to Navami tithi, this festival is celebrated annually. In 2009, the Vasantha Navaratri festival is only 8 days long as on 2 April has 7th and 8th tithi and 3 April 2009 sunrises with the 9th tithi and the celebration of Ram Navami.
Navaratri is celebrated twice a year, in spring and autumn. Nava means nine and ratri means nights. Vasantha means spring.
The goddess Durga is celebrated alone during these dates and this is an important festival for her devotees. This festival is celebrated on her orders. Swami Sivananda says in his book Hindu Festivals and Fasts, people should worship the divine mother for both spiritual and material blessings. She encourages us to follow a righteous path like Shree Rama and follow the example set by them.
Goddesses Durga is worshipped by meditating on her image, chanting her mantra Om Dum Durgaye Namah at least 108 times daily during the festival and fasting during the day. People attain her divine benefiction.
These nine nights are also celebrated by the devotees of Shree Rama and is considered the spiritual new Year as on the 9th night Shree Rama, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu was born. Shree Rama was the embodiment of Dharma and an example of a perfect man. On the day of Ram Navami, Shree Rama's birthday is celebrated with great festivities.
During these nine nights, Ramayana is read gracely in Sanskrit and the devotees fast during the day. The Sacred mantras Om Shree Ramayana Namah and Om Shree Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram for Rama are chanted happily to celebrate the days to birth of the Lord.
Komilla - Vasantha Navaratri
қαvї - கவி
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